Circuit Breaker Lockouts
In the past, small red lockouts for individual circuit breakers were the only way to protect workers against electric shock when working on wiring or equipment. You had to have the correct size device to fit every different size circuit breaker. There are single pole, two pole, three pole. There are different amperage sizes and each manufacturer makes various style breakers too. Some are odd types like the push-o-matic style and piggy back breakers.
In addition, the red breaker locks are cumbersome to install. You can accidentally trip an adjacent breaker while trying to get the darned thing installed. When it is installed the bulky padlock prevents the panel door from being closed. So all the other breakers in the panel are can be accidentally or maliciously shut off. And if you need to lockout out several breakers you need a padlock for each breaker lock. Locks and tags hanging all over the panel create a mess.
The Panel Lockout locks out the entire panel. It attaches onto the screws on the outside of the electrical panel cover, keeping the panel door locked. Because two screws are encapsulated by the device, the panel cover can not be removed. The circuit breakers remain locked off. It doesn’t matter what style or size breaker you want to keep locked off. The Panel Lockout fits almost every electrical panel. The telescoping bars extend from 14 to 20 inches. For wider panels, six inch and eleven inch extensions are used. In addition, if your panel has no screws there are clips that install between the panel cover and the back box. The clips each have a screw for the Panel Lockout to attach onto.
All of the above parts as well as safety locks, tags and pouches for the Panel Lockout, are sold directly from the factory on the company web store. This keeps prices reasonable. The Panel Lockout, extensions and pouches are made in the USA.
The Panel Lockout has been on the market since 2007 and over 57,000 have been sold by